ABSTRACT: Strategies for Promoting Lifelong Learning Habits Among Vocational Educators are crucial for maintaining the relevance and quality of vocational training. This study explored effective strategies to encourage lifelong learning among vocational educators. The objectives were: to assess the current state of lifelong learning among vocational educators, to identify strategies that promote continuous professional development, and to evaluate the impact of these strategies on teaching effectiveness. A survey design was selected due to its efficiency in gathering extensive data from a broad sample, allowing for in-depth analysis. A sample size of 220 vocational educators was chosen using a purposive sampling technique to include those engaged in professional development activities. The case study was the Federal Science and Technical College, Yaba, Lagos State. Findings revealed that lifelong learning habits were significantly promoted through continuous professional development programs, access to online learning resources, and institutional support for further education. It was recommended that vocational institutions should create a culture of lifelong learning by providing regular training opportunities, encouraging participation in professional development courses, and supporting educators in pursuing advanced degrees.
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Background of the Study
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Background of the Study
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Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
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Background of the Study
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